Good Worx Inc. is committed to raising awareness and engaging others in social issues impacting us all - both locally and globally!
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We'll be even more excited to see you at the Sunny Patch Community Garden real soon!
There are a number of ways you can get involved in our pilot Sunny Patch Project this summer! We will try to make this as simple as possible but we'd appreciate your patience as we work through our inaugural season.
We will focus first on the levels of membership to join the pilot Sunny Patch community container garden which will be located on the grounds of Safety Village of Darien (7400 Cass Ave., Darien)
The operative word here is container garden - these are not going to be raised beds or in ground garden plots. The soil we will be providing for all of the start-up patches will be a garden-grade soil - generously donated by our very own Hinsdale Nursery in Willowbrook! Special thanks to Marlena and the crew there at Hinsdale Nursery!
These containers are Made in U.S.A. by High Caliper Growing System in Oklahoma City, OK.
High Caliper Growing System donated 24 of their aerated container systems to our pilot project and we can't thank them enough! To learn more about these amazing growing containers, visit:
To explore the different membership levels - click on an image and hover over with cursor to see details:
Follow this link to our Sunny Patch Shopping Cart when you're ready to make your choice:
We will be one of the only area distributors for some of these Smart Pot/Big Bag Bed containers this summer - we will be using these as part of our fundraising for our Sunny Patch Project! So, if you rather have a Sunny Patch at home(Grow2Go), we'll be able to provide both the 50 gallon Big Bag Bed Jr. ($30) and a 20 gallon Smart Pot ($20)! Click here to get to our Sunny Patch Shopping Cart: you can order here and pick-up at the our community patch or just stop by and purchase your containers in real time!
*If you choose to buy one of these Grow2Go containers, if we have space at our pilot patch and you'd prefer to get in on the community vibe - this will be an option - again, space permitting. You provide all soil and plants with this option.
We'd love to appeal to any of you who already garden and ask that you consider sharing any leftover yields you may have with our Sunny Patch Project. It's not too late to plant an extra pepper plant or two - are we being too pushy? We are trying to provide healthy fresh food to some of our neighbors who may not have access to such luxuries after all!
If you'd be willing to register your own garden patch with our project, we'll just need a few details from you and the pinky swear that you'll consider sharing some of your yield when those tomatoes and peppers are swinging from the vines! We'll have harvest drop locations later in the season and will make those dates/times available to anyone who registers a Home Patch with our project!
If you have any questions about our Sunny Patch Project or care to register your Home Patch - email: or call 630-272-0915.